Saturday, February 25, 2006

Google Widgets

Google has made their own widgets: Blogger, Gmail and Search History. In fact I'm using the Blogger widget now. It lets you choose which of your blogs to post to. It can save drafts or publish the post right away. It supports shortcuts like Cmd-N for bold and Cmd-I for italic. It's quite convenient I guess.

The Gmail widget checks new email. It checks every time you open Dashboard. But every thing you do in the widget – open a message, compose, search, and click on the Inbox button – the result is in a new window of your browser. That's not quite nice to me.

Search History displays your recent searches in Google. It has search too, but the results are in the widget itself. Clicking on the links bring them to your browser, naturally.

All three widgets are quite good-looking too. But Google, aren't you too slow for these widgets? Tiger is out for nearly a year.

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