I finally cleaned my dear white keyboard! I popped out all the keys using a small screwdriver, as I read people doing that from various web pages. It was scary at first, but later it's quite fun. Then I took all the keys to clean, using my sister's paint brush. A lot of dust. They dried for a day. And the naked keyboard, I didn't know how to clean it. It was full of dust and greasy. Ugh. Took an old tooth brush and a piece of tissue. It's not really good, but I got quite impatient and stopped.
During the time that I didn't have a keyboard to use, (really, there's no other USB keyboard in the house. We're talking about a house with two computers, and the house has a computer for like 6 years.) I had to open the keyboard viewer in OS X, and click on the keys to type very slowly. Not suitable for IM or any other activity. No more keyboard shortcuts, I had to use menus for doing things. And I can't seem to work with any modifier key. That was all so stupid.
Now comes to last part: putting the keys back. This is a test of my nerdishness, and it was hard. I got most right, but I was pretty clueless about the symbols. I was wrong in the +-*/ in the number keys side. The punctuation were wrong, and haha I got some alphabets wrong! My sister keeps spoiling them for me, (she went to the other computer to look; you thought she's better than me or what?) so I wouldn't know if I could ever put them back myself. Interesting anyway. But then it was really scary to push them back in. Scarier then taking them out. The sound that it made was so loud. Had to use great force to do it. I don't want to do that again.